quarta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2011

Verb to be Present tense

Affirmative                                   Negative                              Interrogative

I am                                             I am not                               Am I?
You are                                       You are not                          Are you?
He is                                             He is not                             Is he?
She is                                           She is not                             Is she?
It is                                               It is not                                Is it?
We are                                         We are not                           Are we?
You are                                        You are not                         Are you?
They are                                        They are not                       Are they?


I'm                                                 I'm not                              Am I?
You're                                           You aren't                         Are you?
He's                                               He isn't                              Is he?                 
She's                                              She isn't                             Is she?
It's                                                  It isn't                                Is it?
We're                                             We aren't                          Are we?
You're                                            You aren't                         Are you?
They're                                           They aren't                        Are they?

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